Grow your Premium Spirits range

Grow your Premium Spirits range main image Grow your Premium Spirits range image
Specialise in premium spirits. If you are looking for a point of difference, heading towards premium spirits is a good idea. You should include both well known and new up-and-coming brands, across all categories. Many consumers are keen to try new brands. Barmania's parent company started Whisky Live in 2009 and successfully made whisky popular in Australia. Barmania has acquired valuable intelligence about whiskies, spirits and their consumers. We can pass this knowledge on to help your business too.
Register today - premium spirits offer every business extra growth.
Our Retailing Spiritsteam know spirits and retail and can help you know about them too. We understand your business is unique and can help plan a range of spirits to best suit.  Let's discuss it. We know about competition and pricing. Establish a 'theme', build a customer following. Become a destination, offer something unique. If you have the ambition, speak with us. Discuss your ideas and direction. We offer our customers personalised advice. Selecting appropriate brands for your business is important and part of the foundation work we can assist you with.
Register now - grow the premium spirits sector in your business


Barmania is Australia wide. Our range of brands include both world known and niche exclusives. Barmania customers have access to sought after special bottlings and limited edition spirits. Quality spirits attract quality customers. Australians seek quality spirits, but they need to be the right ones.

Spirits for OnpremiseNo minimum buy policy - we will deliver one bottle if that's all you require. This makes it easy to start small and grow. Order online with ample product information to help you decide and educate yourself to become a "go-to" person for spirits.
Register today - bring new variety to your business and bring new customers.


Sign up today and tap into some good margins and make your customers happy.